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Last Post 25 Jul 2024 09:24 PM by  Tad Hurst
14U STL Prospects AA Select - Golup TRYOUTS 7/29
 1 Replies
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Author Messages

New Member

New Member

23 Jul 2024 09:24 AM
    The STL Prospects Baseball 14U team is looking to complete its roster for fall ball, '24 and spring/summer '25 ball. Tryouts are being held next Monday,
    July 29, 6-8 pm, at CBSA field #C1. Competitive, strong, solid team that will be focusing on commitment, hard work and preparing for high school!

    Registration here: https://docs.google.com/f...anS7eG3lJA0T6A8/edit

    New Member

    New Member

    25 Jul 2024 09:24 PM
    Mason Hurst needs a fall ball team. He played up i 14U last season for the STL Mavericks. Power hitter, catcher, pitcher, other.
    314-610-4313 (Tad)
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