2025 League Format
- Games begin April 4, 2025
- 12-Game Season: late March - June
- Games played: Fridays (6pm, 7:30pm), Saturdays & Sundays (9am, 10:30am, 12pm, 1:30pm, 3pm, 4:30pm, 6pm), Mondays (6pm, 7:30pm)
- Game length: 75 minutes (80 minutes for 8U pitching machine)
- 8U Machine Pitch
- All league games will be played at Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex
- Quads C, D, E & F - all turf infields!
- 3 Pre-season practices at Chesterfield; 3 In-season practices for 8U and 10U teams only
2025 Eligibility (Play New USA 2025 Age Levels)
CBSA does not allow any player to be on more than one roster, regardless of age, division or league. Players may play up, but not down.
- 8U for players born 9/1/15 - 8/31/16 (machine pitch)
- 10U for players born 9/1/13 - 8/31/15
- 12U for players born 9/1/11 - 8/31/13
- 14-16U for players born 9/1/07 - 8/31/11

Guest Player Policy*
CBSA will allow guest players for American League Softball teams, provided the following are met:
Guest Player
* Managers must notify coordinator 24 hours before game.
* Umpire and opposing manager must be made aware of guest player at ground rules.