2025 Spring League Format
- Games begin April 4, 2025
- 10-Game Season: April - June
- Games played: Fridays (6pm), Saturdays & Sundays (9am - 6pm)
- Games 1hr 15 min
- All league games played at Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex (CVAC)
- Practice times & locations are determined by the coach
- CBSA provides pre-season and in-season practice times at CVAC
Equipment & Uniforms
- CBSA provides t-shirt and cap/visor for each player
- Teams new to CBSA will get an equipment bag which includes: canvas bag, bases, 5 helmets, catcher’s gear without mitt (excludes 5U). 5U & 6U teams receive 1 dozen balls, 7U game balls are provided by umpires.
CBSA does not allow any player to be on more than one roster, regardless of age, division or league.
- 5U (Coach Pitch) for players born 5/1/19- 4/30/20
- 6U (Machine Pitch) for players born 5/1/18 - 4/30/19
- 7U (Machine Pitch) for players born 5/1/17 - 4/30/18
Guest Player Policy*
CBSA will allow guest players for Training League teams, provided the following are met:
Guest Player
* Managers must notify coordinator 24 hours before game. Not for permission but so coordinator can let the opposing manager know of guest player.
* Umpire and other manager must be made aware of guest player at ground rules.