Welcome to the Official website for Chesterfield Baseball & Softball Association (CBSA)

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COACHES: To help our players find a team, please start your post with the following information: Age level - Team Name - (Coach Name) - Competition Level Ex: 12U Tigers (Smith) - American

PARENTS: To help our teams, please start your post with the following information: Month/Year born (Preferred age level if known) Ex: 02/2008 (10U)

CBSA Discussion Forum

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3 Replies and 556 Views 8U - Cardinals (Coach Pearson) - American League Rec Softball  556  3 Started by  John Pearson We are a mostly school team of 2nd graders looking for an additional 2 or 3 players. We will practice at Highcroft Ridge once a week and are looking for girls that want to join a fun softball team. Not looking to count wins but rather ensure the girls have fun and want to come back next year. If you are interested, please reach out and I'm happy to share more details.
3 556
by  Will DanneggerJump to last post
25 Jul 2024 02:39 PM
0 Replies and 307 Views 10U Raptors (Goldstien) -- Looking for Players  307  0 Started by  Josh Goldstien We have a great group of girls and families and have a couple of open roster spots as we transition to 10U for Fall Ball. The Raptors are a competitive team and are all about providing a great environment where the girls develop as players and teammates while also developing a love for the game. We have played in the Chesterfield League Tournaments the past two years. Please reach out to learn more about our team and to schedule a tryout! Josh Goldstien joshgoldstienyahoo.com mobile: (20...
0 307
07 Jul 2024 10:23 PM
0 Replies and 494 Views 14U STL Galaxy American Looking for 3-4 girls  494  0 Started by  Nick Cotton Hello, we are a 14U 'House' softball team looking for 3-4 girls to round out our roster. Please contact Nick Cotton 314-574-3362 for more information about our team. https://cbsasports.com/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/images/save32.png
0 494
13 Feb 2024 03:30 PM
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