Welcome to the Official website for Chesterfield Baseball & Softball Association (CBSA)

Fall High School League
CBSA will not be having a High School Baseball league for Fall Ball 2024!
2024 Fall League Format
  • Ages 15-18
  • 7-Game Season:  
  • Games 1 hr 40 min  played Monday - Fridays (6pm, 8pm), Saturdays & Sundays (9am - 5pm)
  • All league games played at Chesterfield
Spring High School League

CBSA will NOT be having a Boys High School League Summer 2024!

Our High School League is a great option for boys 15-18 to continue to build their skills at a competitive, but still recreational level.

Registration (2 steps) (Look Who's Coming section below)

1) Register the team Nov. 1, 2023 – May 30, 2024 and pay the team fee of $1650.   As you register the team, you will input an expected roster.  Then you will "Invite" the parent who will get an email with a link to register.  Rosters can be edited and players added or removed as needed.

 2) Players register.  After registering the team, those expected roster players receive an email with a link to register.  Be sure to check SPAM or junk mail for the email.  Even though manager paid team fee parents MUST register player and agree to liability waiver.  Player must be registered prior to start of game schedules.

League Format
  • Ages 15-18 (All teams in one division)
  • 9-Game Season: June 1st - July 30th
  • Games played:  Mondays - Fridays (6pm, 8pm), Saturdays & Sundays (8am - 4pm)
  • Game time 1 hr. 40 min.
  • All league games played at Chesterfield
  • Birth dates between 5/1/05 - 4/30/09
Looking For A Team?  Check out our discussion boards
Look Who's Coming
CBSA will not be having a Boys High School League Summer of 2024
High School Coordinator

Your Age Group Coordinator is your primary contact for any questions you may have about managing your CBSA team.

Boys High School Coordinator

Brian Rappaport
Email Me