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Last Post 25 Jul 2024 02:39 PM by  Will Dannegger
8U - Cardinals (Coach Pearson) - American League Rec Softball
 3 Replies
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Author Messages

New Member

New Member

13 Feb 2024 12:19 PM
    We are a mostly school team of 2nd graders looking for an additional 2 or 3 players. We will practice at Highcroft Ridge once a week and are looking for girls that want to join a fun softball team. Not looking to count wins but rather ensure the girls have fun and want to come back next year. If you are interested, please reach out and I'm happy to share more details.

    New Member

    New Member

    15 Jul 2024 09:01 PM
    My 8 year old daughter is interested in playing fall ball this year. She's played 3 seasons with the Dardenne Prairie city spring league and wants to continue playing. Please let me know if you have any specific questions as we are interested if you have additional openings. Thank you!

    New Member

    New Member

    17 Jul 2024 04:13 AM
    My daughter would make a good addition to your team. Catcher/2b hard worker all hustle athletic. Above average for age. Played 8U club this past season. 636-474-9143

    New Member

    New Member

    25 Jul 2024 02:39 PM
    Looking for a fall ball team for my daughter Quinn to play on this fall. Feel free to reach out to me if there is an opening for her to play.
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